November 9, 2014

fitnessyard logo design

Logo , website , mobile app . logo animation. all icons } Designed in 2013 is an online fitness community that build you diet and workout program to transform you fit.

I designed this project when I was working in { Domain Integrators } company in Amman Jordan,

fitnessyard main logo

Logo Inspiration

fitnessyard logo idea momenarts

Logo Variations

fitnessyard logo colors variations
transformme iphone splash screen
iphone app transformme
splash screen black mock up
transformme app itrainer details screen 3
transformme app plan builder screen version 1 and2
transformme app nutrition plan details screen
register screen
tools screen
login screen
main screen 5and6
main screen 3and4
main screen 1and2
settings screen
wizard1 and wizard2
fitnessyard arabic website blue edition 2
fitnessyard arabic website edition 1
fitnessyard arabic website design
Fitnessyard Arabic Website 2

Simple logo animation

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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}
tmemb 728×90 animation 01
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